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Areas in which I have experience


  • Research Methods in Linguistics

  • Interdisciplinary Research Methods for the Environmental Humanities

  • Social Science Research Methods

  • Environmental Writing & Ecocriticism (including creative non-fiction writing)

  • Discourse Analysis (with a focus on discourse, politics and power)

  • Sociolinguistics

  • Theories of Language Learning (focus on English as L2)

  • English Phonetics and Phonology

  • English Morphosyntax and Textual Models



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Authored Publications

The Stories We Live By and the stories we won't stand by: measuring the impact of a free online course in Ecolinguistics

2021- Journal of World Languages co-authored with Jessica Iubini-Hampton and submitted by invitation.


"Ecology" in Analysing Religious Discourse

2021-Cambridge University Press 


A Green Approach

2021-The Linguist, the Journal of the Chartered Institute of Linguists [Vol.60, No. 3, June/July]


ITI Western Regional Group Hosts a Successful GDPR Webinar

2021- Translatio, the newsletter of the International Federation of Translators [June, 2, 2021]


Book Review: Searchable Talk: Hashtags and Social Media Metadiscourse

2021-British Association for Applied Linguistics Spring Newsletter (issue 118)


Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics

2020-Árboles y Rizomas [Vol. 2 (1)] 


Book Review: Between the Andes and the Amazon: language and social meaning in Bolivia

2019- Social Anthropology/ Anthropologie Sociale [Vol.27 (4)]


Changing Lives and Professional Practice: A Report on the Impact of Ecolinguistics

2019- University of Gloucestershire


Ecotourism and Environmental Concerns: The Rise of Eco- travel Writing?

2017- English Studies in Latin America: A Journal of Cultural and Literary Criticism (issue 13)


IATEFL MA ELT Pecha Kucha Event 2016: A brief report

2017- IATEFL Research SIG (issue 32)


El Discurso de la Iglesia Católica: Aborto, homosexualidad y pederastia

2015- Discurso & Sociedad [Vol. 9 (4)]

Public Speaking

Assessing the Reading Comprehension Component in EFL Coursebooks

2015- TESOL Chile Annual Conference (Santiago de Chile)


Research Collaborations

Climate Justice: What's it got to do with ELT?

2023- Green Action ELT webinar


Religion, Language and the Path Towards Sustainability

2021- Bath Spa University Postgraduate Research Festival for Sustainability


British Council's Climate Action in Language Education Podcast

2021- Interviewed by Chris Sowton on the role of Ecolinguistics in language teaching.  


ITI WRG Virtual Social (7th December)

2020- Host and presenter of the Take 5 Talk "Making the most of social media for your business."


BCfm 93.2 radio show The Latin Window (8th September)

2020- Interviewed about the use of inclusive language in English and Spanish. 


Book Launch of Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics' first book of the series "TESOL & Sustainability" (21st August) 

2020- Panellist during the virtual launch hosted by Jason Goulah and John Katunich.


ITI Virtual Coffee Morning. Featured guest representing the ITI Western Regional Group (Friday 10th July)

2020- Institute of Translation and Interpreting. 


Virtual Roundtable. "Helping each other in coronavirus times: How can language professionals collaborate with other fields during a pandemic?" (25th May)

2020- You Tube live with Veronica Manzanares, Gabriel Dubois and Matthew Drzymala.


Impact Roundtable discussion during the British Society for Literature and Science Winter Symposium “Extinctions and Rebellions”

2019- University of Liverpool (Liverpool, UK).


BBC Radio Bristol Saturday Breakfast with Ali Vowles (12th October)

2019-Interviewed about the 4th Latin American Encounter and its relevance to the community in Bristol.


2019 ITI WRG Members' Day, "Five-Minute Take"

2019-Gave a five-minute presentation on ecolinguistics and my research on this field.

ITI Western Regional Group (Bristol, UK).


The Stories We Live By and the Stories We Won't Stand By: Measuring the Impact of a Free Online Course in Ecolinguistics

2019- 4th International Conference on Ecolinguistics, University of Southern Denmark (Odense, Denmark).

2019- International Conference on Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (London, UK).


BCfm 93.2 radio show The Latin Window (11th December)

2018- Interviewed on topics regarding bilingualism, endangered languages, Spanish & English language learning and translation (Bristol, UK).


Framing the Environment: An Appraisal of the Catholic Church's Discourse from an Ecolinguistics Perspective

2018- International Conference on Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (London, UK).


Ecocriticism and Environmental Concerns: The Rise of Eco-travel Writing? 

2018- Travelling in 20th and 21st Century Latin America, University of Bristol (Bristol, UK)​.


Framing the Environment: An Appraisal of the Catholic Church's Discourse from an Ecolinguistics Perspective

2017- Bath Spa University Research Roundtable (Corsham, UK).




The Stories We Live By and the Stories We Won't Stand By: Measuring the Impact of a Free Online Course in Ecolinguistics

2018/ 19- with Jessica Iubini-Hampton, International Ecolinguistics Association


Mapa Prosódico de Chile. Descripción fonética y fonológica de rasgos suprasegmentales del español hablado por chilenos [Phonetical and Phonological Description of Suprasegmental Features of Chilean Spanish]

2015/16-  Universidad de Santiago de Chile- Proyecto Fondecyt 1130720


I am co-editing the book series Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics and am currently working on a journal publication that assesses the impact of ecolinguistics on everyday life.

Check my profile on for more examples of my work.

Get in touch if my research profile is what you are looking for in your organisation or institution.

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